G & W Technical has the capability to machine different types of plastic as well. Plastic parts can be machined from materials such as Acetal, Ertylyte, Delrin, Nylatron, Nylon, Nonyl, Polycarbonate, Teflon, PVC and UHMW.
G & W Technical has the capability to machine different types of plastic as well. Plastic parts can be machined from materials such as Acetal, Ertylyte, Delrin, Nylatron, Nylon, Nonyl, Polycarbonate, Teflon, PVC and UHMW.
If you need special /custom fasteners for your specific requirements, G & W Technical is your manufacturer. We will machine custom fasteners right to your specifications, including material, type and size of the thread, shoulder and head. Special fasteners could be machined from common materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and plastics, or … Read more
To manufacture parts for packaging equipment we use alloy steel (4140, 8620) and plastics such as PVC, delrin, UHMW.